About Us

About Us

The MRAC VEC has an extensive history, beginning with the Milwaukee Radio Amateurs' Club when it started offering exams soon after the VEC  program became active in spring 1984. At the time the VEC component was led by Jack Krause, W9JK, Charles Kaetel, W9SNK, and Les Peterson, W9YCV. The VE team was sponsored by Great Lakes Amateur Radio Club in Chicago.

In November 1984, the club petitioned the FCC to create its own VEC (Volunteer Examiner Coordinator) group. That was granted in early 1985. Our organization, still a part of the Milwaukee Radio Amateurs' Club, was known as MRAC VEC.

In April 2008, the MRAC VEC board incorporated the VEC as a non-stock corporation in Wisconsin. Its new and current name is MRAC VEC, Inc.

Board members for the VEC:

President:  Rick Whitehead, AB9XI

Treasurer:  Tom Fuszard, KF9PU

Secretary:  Tom Czaja, KG9EE

Member:  Greg Wolfe, K9ZZZ

Each board member serves as a session manager on a rotating basis. As of February, 2018 we have 28 VEs on our team.

The MRAC VEC is one of 14 Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs).

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