
Information about how your FCC license information is made publicly available

You should be aware that, as an applicant for an FCC Amateur Radio License, some information about you will be made publicly available via the FCC's Universal Licensing System (ULS), specifically information you submit on the NCVEC 605 form will be published:

  - Your name

  - Your mailing address

  - Your license call sign and license class

  - Your FCC registration number

  - Felony conviction status

  - Various transaction dates, administrative review statuses, etc.

You can read more about the FCC Privacy Act information (

Social security numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses are never published.

If you do not want your home address to be public information when the new license is issued, an alternative address, such as a PO Box or work address, would be acceptable. 

April 19, 2022 - New FCC Fees

The FCC began implementing new amateur radio license fees.  Please see this page for additional information

April 10, 2022

New FCC Fees affecting Amateur Radio Licensing go into effect on April 19, 2022. 

Additional information about FCC Fees are available on the FCC Fees page.

July 6, 2021

Going forward, it is no longer necessary to make a reservation for an exam session and you can take multiple exams during a single exam session.

Additional information about what to bring with you to the exam session is located on the What To Bring page of this web site.

June 29, 2021 - Email Addresses Required Beginning 

​The FCC also created a new law (section 97.23) requiring all amateur radio applicants to furnish an email address “where the grantee can receive electronic correspondence.”  The law also states: “Revocation of the station license or suspension of the operator license may result when correspondence from the FCC is returned as undeliverable because the grantee failed to provide the correct email address.”  This law goes into effect on June 29, 2021.   Effective that date, all amateur radio operators must have an email address on file with the FCC.  The only way to refrain from providing an email address on an application would be to submit a request to waive the new rule, providing justification for the request. (The FCC would not be obliged to grant such a request.)  Licensees can log into the ULS License Manager System with their FRN and password at any time and update anything in their FCC license record, including adding an email address. 

Please contact the MRAC VEC, Inc. using the Contact Us page on this web site if you have any questions regarding attending an upcoming exam session.  

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